The aim of the "Treibhaus" start-up project, which was completed on 28.04.2023, was to develop a comprehensive understanding of the complex innovation processes for existing and start-up companies within the bioeconomy and thereby identify target group-specific characteristics and problem areas.
Within corporate innovation management, the value chain of bioeconomic products from primary production to logistics to processing and marketing was examined from the point of view of the individual company and the process of the emergence, adoption and adaptation of product and process innovations was scientifically analyzed. This included, among other things, the development of a "model for the innovation adaptation of bioeconomic ideas" as well as an analysis of how instruments and methods that are currently used in business administration and innovation management to advise and support idea carriers would have to be adapted for advising bioeconomic ideas.
Within the Treibhaus, formats were also tested (e.g. through a virtual round table, an improvisation theatre and a workshop "on site") and discussed with the participants on actor-specific potentials and opportunities in the region of north-eastern Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Topics here included:
- Promotion of the "CO2-Exchange" start-up idea2-Börse“
- Potentials of medicinal plant cultivation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania along the value chain
- Renewable raw materials in boatbuilding - opportunities for the region
- Bioeconomy in three acts (explain the topic "playfully" by means of improvisation theatre)
In addition, regional target group analyses were carried out on start-ups (What support needs do idea bearers and start-ups have in our region? How can advisory institutions be meaningfully supported?) and a market analysis of the regional entrepreneurial landscape.
The results make an important contribution to strengthening the innovative capacity of regional start-up ideas and companies and support the transformation process towards a bio-based economy. In order to ensure the continuation of the results in the region as well as the roll-out to other regions after the end of the funding period, a book project was initiated by the start-up project "Greenhouse", which integrates strategies and concepts developed and evaluated within the Plant³ alliance and the analysis of the prerequisite for the formation of an innovation ecosystem from a business perspective. It will be published in 2023 by Springer-Verlag in the book series "SDG - Forschung, Konzepte, Lösungsansätze zur Nachhaltigkeit" (SDG - Research, Concepts, Approaches to Sustainability) under the title " Bioökonomie und regionaler Strukturwandel" (Bioeconomy and Regional Structural Change) and is currently in the proof stage.
The joint project was carried out under the direction of Prof. Dr. Steffen Fleßa (University of Greifswald, Chair of General Business Administration and Health Management) together with the practical partners of the Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Vorpommern (Rolf Kammann, until March 2021) and WITENO GmbH (Dr. Wolfgang Blank).
Duration: 01.03.2020 until 28.04.2023
Funding code: 03WIR2204
Angela-Verena Hassel
Chair of General Business Administration and Health Care Management
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70
17489 Greifswald
Phone: +49 3834 420 2421
Dr. Gudrun Mernitz
Walther-Rathenau-Straße 49a
17489 Greifswald
Phone: +49 3834 550108